5. August 2020
Data transfer from Mailocator via Webhook to third parties
Supported data formats
Data formats: filed
, XML, JSON and data aggregated into a POST variable data
Supported HTTP methods
Most formats can be combined with HTTP methods GET, POST or PUT
Basic structure of transmitted data
At least the following fields (variables) are returned in each request:
Optionally, additional data from the popup form sent by the action can be added
- contains "Mailocator"time
- contains unix timestamp of sending the requestemail
- contains a valid email addressOptionally, additional data from the popup form sent by the action can be added
Request with POST method and JSON format
Return data, result of PHP function call
Return data, result of PHP function call
Request with POST method and XML format
Return data, result of PHP function call
Return data, result of PHP function call
array ('<?xml version="1.0"?>
Request with POST method and XML format
Return data, result of PHP function call
Return data, result of PHP function call
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Expected return codes from a third-party server:
- contact saved successfully, Mailocator will display a thank you note0
- contact was not saved successfully, Mailocator displays information about the duplicate contactIf the content is different or empty, the processing process is interrupted by Mailocator, an error is written in the monitoring.
PHP example
After successfully processing the request on the server, just call
echo '1';
, the return value is interpreted as a correctly stored contact.